My station is located in Vancouver, Washington on the border of Vancouver and Battleground. I am sitting at about 370 feet in elevation with a 43′ Vertical 5 band DX Engineering antenna. When remote / camping I run a G5RV-jr.

*Upgrade – ICOM 7300, LDG, all in a Gator Case for portable (but heavy) operations. Backup rig is now the FT-450D. I also use the SignaLink for Digital, and I am very new at that.

My HT is a Yaesu VX-8DR, and I have a Wouxun KG-UV8D backup.

I belong to the ARRL and the CCARC (W7AIA). Now a member of WB7QIW Hood View Club.

I am interested in QRP, but I am enjoying the digital stuff right now.